Found (potential) Contributors
Many proposed tasks published this month, we hope. In the meantime see:
Following persons offered their help:
KDE Developers
(none yet)
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Qt Developers
- Yves Bailly <kafka . fr AT laposte dot net> (No time for Kexi now)
- strong knowledge of C++ and Qt; used MSA a lot (including programming), and made some forms in Qt to ease the use of a Postgresql database; knows Python, and starting Ruby. Linux user, everyday working on Win2k with msvc6. No KDE experience.
- Samuel Desseaux <sam1975 AT wanadoo dot fr>
- Experience with Java , C++ and SQL. Some experience with Qt.
- Adrien de Sentenac <aiua AT ipsquad dot net>
- Good knowledge of Qt (eg see
http://www.bakani.net/classicalmusiccatalog.tar.bz2 ). No KDE.
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C++ Developers, ie. no Qt (yet?)
- Allaoua Tarek <allaoua.tarek@free.fr>
- 9 years of C++ experience, interested in contribution with ODBC
- Dugueperoux Esteban (finesse2600 on IRC) <dugueperoux . esteban@wanadoo . fr>
- Experience with C and C++, and a little Qt
- Abdelhak El idrissi <elidriss AT hotmail dot com>
- Experience with C, C++, Java, caml, a little Qt, but no KDE.
- Christophe Garault <christophe AT garault dot org>
- No Qt/KDE programming knowledge, but many years of experience with: Java, C++, SQL, MDX, PHP, JSP and even ASP, VB6 and C#, good knowledge of APIs like JDBC, Ado, AdoMD, OleDB and ODBC. Knows a lot of OS: Linux, Solaris, Windows, VMS and OS2. Has own company.
- Roman Siziakov <siziakov AT rambler dot ru>
- No QT/KDE, but uses C++ for 5 years.
- Erik van Vugt < vugt AT raketnet dot nl>
- MS VB, MS Visual C++ developer. Wrote one application with KDevelop/Qt. His average free time for the project is about 10 hours. He's currently learning Qt and KDE.
- Tarpinder Singh Grewal <tarpindergrewal AT hotmail dot com>
- New to Qt & KDE, has experience of developing S/W in VB6, JAVA, C & C++. Oracle Certified Professional.
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Database developers, analysts
- Daniel Bembibre Gude <bmwfaq AT bmwfaq dot com>
- Long experience with Oracle, SQLServer, PervasiveSQL and MySQL Api and Sybase API. Also learning Qt. Could make RPMs for Mandrake 9, 10 and 10.1.
- Leiro Medina <leiromedinag AT yahoo dot com>
- Freelance programmer, programmed information systems for small bussiness (databases) in the Windows platform, experienced in MS Access and FoxPro, begginer in Qt and KDE, intermediate skills in C++.
- Greg Falk <gregfalk AT shaw dot ca>
- business analyst, used to be an OO programmer (mainly PowerBuilder, some Java), considerable experience with databases (Sybase and dB2, with a smattering of Oracle), works for government
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Other developers
- Nicolas PIGNIER <n . pignier AT inddigo dot com>
- Experience with Java. No C++. Plans to learn C++ and QT/KDE programming
- Vasiliy Stepanov <green AT insun dot ru>, IRC nick: green
- C and system programming in Linux. No Qt. Additional skills: Win32 API, MFC, VB6, PHP, Perl, Bash. Mysql. MSSql.
- Christian Kienle <Christian-Kienle AT losg dot org>
- developer, http://www.kde-forum.org;
updated KexiArchitecture picture
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Artists, Advertisement, Web development
- <nuno_pinheiro AT sapo dot pt>
- Icons designer. See e.g http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=10554
- Robin Monks <robin AT spreadfirefox dot com>
- Web page design, ads, and more
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Testers, writers
- Mouvet Olivier <cmt AT pi dot be>
- No programming experience, could do testing or ads.
- Christian Thorge Schmidt <schmidt AT datenaura dot net>
- No programming experience, offered to help with a tutorial, translating docs to German, designing or developing northwind-like real-world example, tests.
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- Miguel De Anda <miguel AT thedeanda dot com>
- Slackware package. Note: slackware packages are already prepared, see Download section. But ok, you can optionally deliver your own.. Starting to learn Qt.
- Lukasz Jernas' <deejay1 AT nsj . srem dot pl>
packages, advertisement on Kexi Web Site
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- Kouzinopoulos Haris (haris at mpa.gr) - fixed all "unused parameter" warnings in Kexi source code: 2005-10-29. Thanks!