Kexi Packages for Linux and BSD
If packages for your distribution are not listed here or are too old,
please ask creators of your distribution if they could provide updates.
If they do:
* Please let us know on the mailing list or by emailing us directly
If they don't, you could ask them to package:
* Kexi; and
* the Microsoft Access import plugin for Kexi
Meanwhile, you may want to compile from sources.
Note that the Kexi Team is not responsible for quality of 3rd-party
binary packages.
See also: Download Source Code, HintsForMakingKexiPackages, KnownErrorsInKexiPackages
In general Kexi software is splitted to the following packages:
- required:
- koffice-core (or koffice) - core koffice facilities, shared with other KOffice applications
- kexi (or koffice-database) - the main kexi program
- optional, available as plugins:
- kexi-mysql - database driver enabling support for MySQL database servers
- kexi-postgresql - database driver enabling support for PostgreSQL database servers
- kexi-msaccess or kexi-mdb - a plugin enabling importing data from MS Access files (.mdb, .mde)
- koffice-python - Python language bindings for scripting
- koffice-ruby - Ruby language bindings for scripting
- Use the newest possible stable release.
- The names may differ between operating system distributions. For example, OpenSUSE uses koffice-database names.
- If you do not need, say, PostgreSQL or MySQL support, simply do not install additional packages. This gives you more freedom to decide how do you want to use Kexi, and avoid unnecessary software dependencies.
- Without installing PostgreSQL or MySQL database drivers, your Kexi installation remain fully functional with built-in robust, file-based database driver (a version of SQLite). You don't need to install any SQLite package.
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- Isaac Clerencia - isaac @ debian . org (KOffice, including Kexi)
- Martin Ellis - martin . ellis @ kdemail . net (Microsoft Access import plugin)
First, here is a package search result for "kexi" .
Debian packages are available from the official Debian repositories, and can be installed using apt-get, or your preferred package management tool on Debian. Use the packages from testing or unstable for the latest releases. Below we only provide links to description pages.
- Debian Stable (sarge):
- Debian Testing (to become etch):
- Debian Unstable (sid):
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- Short way: sudo aptitude install kexi
Long way:
Details: To install Kexi (and optionally, the rest of KOffice) in Dapper:
- Navigate to /etc/apt in the Konqueror file browser.
- Right click the sources.list file, select Actions and Edit as Root.
- Enter your password, and click Ok.
- When the file opens in a text editor, copy the following two lines and paste them into the file.
deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-163 dapper main deb-src http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-163 dapper main
- Save the file, and Quit.
- From the K menu, use the System menu to open Package Manager (Adept).
- Enter your password again, click OK.
- Click Fetch updates on the toolbar.
- Enter kexi in the search dialog box.
- Click the name kexi in the package list, and click Request install
- Repeat for kexi-mdb-plugin for the Microsoft Access import plugin
- Click Apply Changes.
- Wait for Kexi to download and install.
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- Short way: sudo aptitude install kexi
Long way:
- First, you need to make sure you have K Desktop Environment (KDE) components installed in your system. Kexi depends on them. For information how to install KDE: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde
- Note that you will not be forced to use KDE environemnt instead of GNOME. Kexi will just load only parts of the KDE components silently, in the background.
- After KDE is installed, please find the section for Kubuntu installation packages, mentioned above.
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Fedora Core
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Note: Mandriva packages are splitted to koffice-kexi, libkoffice2-kexi and keximdb packages.
- Mandriva 2007, 2008
- use your package manager to find and install Kexi
- Mandriva 2006
- Mandrake 10.1 and Mandriva 2005
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- Slackware 11
- Kexi 1.1.3
- standalone version by Michal Kubicki, kexi|at|linux.xip.pl (install kofficebase-* and kexi-* packages, and optionally msa* package; this version is in conflict with any 'full' KOffice installation, so before Kexi installation remove old KOffice package with using removepkg koffice )
- Kexi 1.1.2
bundled with KOffice 1.6.2 (linuxpackages.net)
None known, please compile from source code
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Package status for Kexi in Gentoo
Current portage has support for Kexi as part of KOffice 1.4 (also known as a split ebuild). If this is sufficient, run:
emerge --ask --verbose kexi
Confirm the installation as usual.
It's also possible to use Kexi 1.0, as distributed with KOffice 1.5. This is a more recent release of Kexi that the default installation, but the package has received less testing. To install it, use the following command, before running emerge:
echo "app-office/kexi ~x86" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
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OpenSUSE packages are currently splitted into:
- koffice, koffice-database - both are required
- koffice-database-mysql - optional MySQL Driver
- koffice-database-psql - optional PostgreSQL Driver
- koffice-python - optional bindings for scripting using Python language
- koffice-ruby - optional bindings for scripting using Ruby language
- koffice-i18n-{language code} - translations (in noarch/ subdirectory)
Tip 1: (from John Fields) Newest versions of KDE applications backported to work with officially supported KDE version. Works with newest KDE as well: http://en.opensuse.org/Additional_YaST_Package_Repositories#KDE_Backports
After you add the repo and it syncs with zenworks, go into Software Management in Yast and type in kexi in the search box. You will notice the version number *available* is now much higher than the stock version! Just tell Yast to update the package (I always get all of Koffice which will include kexi). Also check the ancillary db packages if you need them - they may not be selected. Ouila! Updated kexi only a few days behind releases.
Additionally, when updates to kexi hit the repository you will get
notified in the system tray, etc.
Tip 2: find the newest pacakges for your SUSE version and CPU architecture, search 'koffice-database', etc. at http://software.opensuse.org/search . The list below may be obsolete.
Available versions:
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- Kexi 1.1.1 (together with KOffice 1.6.1 stable) - type "apt-get install kexi" or download and install the
Kexi RPM file and koffice core RPM file
- MS Access import plugin (optional) - type "apt-get install kexi-msaccess" or download and install the
RPM file
- MySQL Driver for Kexi (optional) - type "apt-get install kexi-MySQL" or download and install the
RPM file
- PostgreSQL Driver for Kexi (optional) - type "apt-get install kexi-PostgreSQL" or download and install the
RPM file
- Python bindings for scripting (experimental) - type "apt-get install koffice-python" or download and install the
RPM file
- Ruby bindings for scripting (experimental) - type "apt-get install koffice-ruby" or download and install the
RPM file
- Translation package - type "apt-get install koffice-i18n-{language}", e.g. koffice-i18n-Poland or download and install appropriate koffice-i18n-{language}* file
- Source RPM packages (optional) -
RPM file , Kexi MS Access import plugin
(this info comes from: Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero at arklinux.org>)
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Port maintained by the FreeBSD KDE team.
- Kexi (distributed as part of KOffice 1.6.1 stable).
- Install the koffice-kde3
- Install the keximdb
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Other Ways to Find Kexi Packages