Related & interesting projects
Projects Reused By Kexi
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Projects Related to SQLite
- SQLite ODBC driver
- Client/Server Extension for SQLite
- a database management server for SQLite. It allows an sqlite3 process to be accessed via a TCP/IP network; provides Extended SQL, SSL, basic authentication, query caching, WebDAV, access control, and replication. Can bring sqlite network layer for to Kexi.
- SQLiteServer
- other server embedding SQLite engine (closed source)
- SQLite Driver for OpenOffice.org
- very simple implementation, compared to KexiSQL :)
- SQLitePlus
- commercial c++ library for SQLite
- SQLiteSecure - Encryption Extension for SQLite
- could be probably reused for Kexi
- SQLite: Contributed Files
, LiteWrap by Ben.Clewett is especially interesting as an idea.
- SQLite Database Browser
free, public domain, open source visual tool used to create, design and edit SQLite files.
- SQLiteManager
- a multilingual web based tool to manage SQLite database. Even KexiDB compatibility exists!
- Sqliteman
is one of the best developer's and/or admin's GUI tool for SQLite 3.
- uSQLite
- a network wrapper for SQLite. May be reused by Kexi.
- Full text search for SQLite - the goal is to add full text index support to sqlite3 databases. Nice addition for Kexi/KexiDB. ft3 @ sourceforge
, A draft onm sqlite.org , FullTextIndex @ sqlite.org
- SQLite in Google Gears
- Google Gears uses the open source SQLite database system. The Database module provides browser-local relational data storage to JavaScript web application. Gears also includes an SQLite extension fts2 for "Full-Text Search".
- SQLite as unified storage backend for Mozilla 2
for storing and searching through data for all Mozilla components and extensions. "SQLite will be the back end for the unified store. Because it implements a SQL engine, we get querying for free, without having to invent our own query language or query execution system."
- Redland RDF's (Resource Description Framework) storage
(http://librdf.org ) uses SQLite (among others) for persistent storage. Redland storage is used (QRDF) by Soprano , which in turn is used by NEPOMUK-KDE , part of Nepomuk Semantic Desktop project .
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Projects Related to MS Access
- DBToFile
- A Microsoft Access Database Backup Engine. Possible reusability for Kexi's "Total MSA Importer". However, it only reads database schema and SQL strings, not forms or reports.
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Projects Related to PostgreSQL
- gppl's nest
- a patch which allows PgSQL to make hierarchical queries a la Oracle do.
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Database Abstraction layers
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Relational Database Abstraction Layers
- ADOdb
- DB abstraction library, for PHP, although it has some features similar to KexiDB as handling metadata. Many drivers included.
- GUI database frontend for MySQL,PostgreSQL and ODBC databases.
- Mono Database Access
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Object-based Database Abstraction Layers
- SQLObject
- an object-relational mapper for Python. Handles few database backends including SQLite. Interested because some sort of mapping will be performed in Kexi Scripting Engine.
- db4objects
- Dual licensed (GPL/Commercial) native Java or .NET open source object database engine - takes care about (de)serializing objects.
- SQLAlchemy
is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
- Migrate
, SQLAlchemy schema change management, inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy projects.
- Elixir
is a declarative layer on top of SQLAlchemy.
- Spring
- open source web application framework for the Java platform; among others includes Data access framework: working with relational database management systems on the Java platform using JDBC and Object-relational mapping tools providing solutions to technical challenges that are reusable in a multitude of Java-based environments.
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Open Source Database Connection Libraries
Things that might be useful for a KexiDB driver or Migration plugin
- MDB Tools
- tools for direct reading and writing data stored in MS Access database files, it will be good metod for extending Kexi's data-exchange capabilities. See also: Article on MDB Tools , Currently used by Kexi's MDB Migration plugin.
- libpqxx
- C++ client API for PostgreSQL , currently used for KexiDB PostgreSQL driver.
- pxlib
- C Library to read Paradox Database files (GPL) - usable for Kexi Paradox import/export filter
- FreeTDS
- libraries for Unix and Linux that allow to natively talk to MS SQL Server and Sybase databases (related to MDB Tools)
- libodbc++
- c++ class library for accessing SQL databases via ODBC
- Xbase
- a collection of specifications, programs, utilities and a C++ class library for manipulating Xbase type datafiles and indices
- relational db in a flat file
is a proxy server for ODBC connection, so it is possible to hide multiple virtual ODBC connections inside one physical ODBC connection (May be valuable for further Kexi research)
- SQL Relay
is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix and Linux supporting most database servers. This may be integrated with Kexi (hmm, 5.0 ? :) ) environment.
is a database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within the Standard C++. Supports Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite. Something we considered for KexiDB API.
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Database Development/Administering Tools and Environments
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Open Source: KDE-based
- KSqlShell
- graphical MySQL and PostgreSQL database shell for KDE
- KMySQLAdmin
MySQL interface for KDE
- KSqlAnalyzer
- a tool for easy accessing the data of a MS-SQL-Database. It's a KDE GUI built on top of FreeTDS project.
- KPoGre
- a KDE postgresql frontend that uses libpqxx as our pgsql driver.
- Rekall
- a tool to extract, display and update data, it does forms and reports and scripting; GPL-ed Rekall is also available.
- Umbrello UML Modeller
- Unified Modelling Language diagram programme for KDE. Could be integrated with Kexi database design capatibilities, e.g. Entity Relationship designer: http://uml.sourceforge.net/screenshots/umbrello-entiry-relationship.png
- DataKiosk
is a JuK-like database interface tool for generic SQL databases. QUite similar interface to planned Kexi's Final Mode.
- RKWard
is meant to become an easy to use, transparent frontend to the R-language, a very powerful, yet hard-to-get-into scripting-language with a strong focus on statistic functions. Its capatibilities could be adopted to interoperate with Kexi data sources.
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Open Source: Qt-based
- HBasic
- integrated development environment with database support.
- DBACompanion
- a graphical administration tool for Oracle databases. Looks like good starting point for adding db driver and import/export driver for Oracle.
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Proprietary: Qt-based
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Open Source: Other
- New GUI tools from MySQL:
- A great page with many *SQL-ish projects
; exportSQL has a special value in Kexi context: MS Access module which exports Access Database into MySQL, mSQL and PostgreSQL. This is exactly what we have planned for Kexi migration tools suite.
- IBAccess
is an Interbase client application, that allows the users or administrators the use of a intuitive interface to Interbase/Firebird database servers and Interbase/Firebird database files and objects.
- phpFlashMyAdmin
includes all of the significant table administration features of phpMyAdmin, but without the annoyance of page refreshes (demo available).
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Open Source: GNOME
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- DBDesigner
- visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creation and maintenance
- DBManager
- MySQL and PostgreSQL management win32 app, also supports SQLite
- provides Windows—based PL/SQL development and administration
- Ability Database
- commercial product, very MSAccess-like (Some features )
- Navicat
some mySQL "frontend"
- OpenLink Virtuoso
- CROSS PLATFORM Universal DB Server; also integrates Web and File serving. Large commercial project with interesting documentation.
- DB Manager Pro
- a multi-database tool with powerfull functionality. For example see Process Designer : www.dbtools.com.br/EN/dbmanagerpro/images/task_builder.png. Many ideas for Kexi!
- SQL datacompare
- Compare and Synchronize Database Contents. Interesing extrension, could be added for Kexi.
- sqlFree
- Java-based db GUI includes: Visual SQL query builder, Reverse engineering of SQL statements - the Parser, Reverse engineering of SQL statements - the Parser, Viewing returned results, DB Browser
- AquaFold
- Java-based database query and administration tool. Very interesting, especially built-in Visual Explain Plan
- DB Visual Architect
- DB Visual Architect is a single development environment which acts as a bridge between object model, data model and relational model.
- DeZign for Databases
- database development tool using an entity relationship diagram
- Kirix Strata
- commercial MSA competitor, developed using wxWidgets, has quite a few interesting ideas (eg. grouping within table view), also see their PDF guide
- GUPTA Team Developer
- a development tool for creation of business applications; object-oriented, COM+ object generation, integrated Web applications, native database interface for all popular databases. For Linux and Windows.
- SQL Manager
- database administration tools for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Firebird, DB2 from a nice Russian company. Rather advanced and complex GUIs. Import/Export tools.
- AccessUI
- MSA GUI extension
- VistaDB
- Data management environment, MSA competitor.
- CodeCharge Studio
- visually creating database-driven Web applications with minimal amount of coding. Idea for Kexi Web Plugin?
- SQL_Prompt
- provides Intellisense style auto-completion for MS SQL Server editors.
- SBase
is a programmable, fully relational, RISC OS database management system, which allows you to develop customised data applications without any programming. Development stopped until recently - Qt port is in progress...
- Active Query Builder
- a visual query builder component that allows to build complex SQL queries via a visual query building interface. Interesting way for adding fields to the query (using checkboxes).
- SQL Uniform
- a helper application to relational databases of various types regarding query, maintenance, data comparison, export (convert), import.
- Dabble DB
is a web-based application that lets you work with data on your own terms. You can import data from spreadsheets or databases — or just start from scratch.
- Servoy
is a cross-platform, Java-based application development and deployment environment; contains GUI designer for databases frontends, scriptable through JavaScript, allows for combining data from multiple sources; supports various servers.
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Reporting Tools
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Open Source Reporting Tools
- ReportLab
- Open Source toolkit for creating good-looking reports in PDF. Let's see if this can be reused in Kexi?
- Agata Report
- mature reporting tool (LGPL), it's good idea to see how things are made there
- NCReport
- a lightweight, fast, easy to use SQL report engine written in C++ based on Qt toolkit.
- OpenRPT
report writer and rendering engine - let's look at it for interesting features for Kexi Reports ( PDF user manual )
- Report Manager
is both a print scheme designer (report) and a high level printing (reporting) engine. Also a TCP Report Server and a Web Report Server (PDF on the fly), supports Windows and Linux. Connectivity to almost all databases is provided.
- Papyrus
- an XML reporting engine, generates reports from a variety of different SQL databases. Reports can be generated as PDF, PS, XML, HTML, etc.
- iReport
is a powerful, intuitive and easy to use visual report builder/designer for JasperReports written in Java.
- DataVision
is an Open Source reporting tool written in Java similar to Crystal Reports. Reports can be designed using a GUI and may be run, viewed, and printed from the application or exported as HTML, XML, PDF, Excel, LaTeX2e, DocBook, or tab- or comma-delimited text files.
- JOOReports
, Java/OpenOffice Document and Report Generator, helps creating office documents and reports in OpenDocument Text format from templates that can be visually composed using the OpenOffice.org Writer. These documents can then optionally be converted to other formats such as PDF, Word and RTF.
- JODConverter
, the Java OpenDocument Converter, converts documents between different office formats. It leverages OpenOffice.org, which provides arguably the best import/export filters for OpenDocument and MSO formats.
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Proprietary Reporting Tools
- BusinessObjects
- Crystal Reports and so on.
- .rpt Inspector
- a tool for Crystal Reports®, for editing multiple reports at once (features ).
- GUPTA Report Builder
- client/server query and reporting tool; part of the Team Developer package, can be embedded into applications developed with GUPTA tools; also available as a standalone product. For Linux and Windows
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3rd-party Data Widgets
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Open Source Plotting/Charting/Presentation
- kst
- A GPLed plotting and data viewing program; it's display capatibilities could be reused for Kexi
- Qt4Lab Data Plotter
- LGPLed Data Plotting library, could be reused within Kexi.
- LabPlot
- another GPLed Data analysis and visualisation tool.
- Qanava
- a Qt-based library for graphical display of graphs and other relational structures. Qt4 support!
- KGraphViewer
- another graph-displaying app, supports the dot format. jstaniek has contacted the author: kleag at free.fr.
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Migration Tools
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Database Engines
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Open Source
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- Worksheet-Server
using OLAP - see how Kexi Web Interface could be handled)- "The Worksheet-Server combines the flexibility of Microsoft Excel with the power of todays Web technology. Simply define the desired business logic in Excel Spreadsheets and let the Worksheet-Server run these applications independently from Microsoft Excel as a true PHP-based Multi-User Web application".
- SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Beta 2
- a relational, embedded database engine for Linux and Windows
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Scripting and Macro Engines
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Our Potential Partners
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PostgreSQL Supporters
- Greenplum
is offering of open source databases for enterprise-class Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing.
- The Bizgres
Project is a Greenplum sponsored and community supported open source project. The goal of Bizgres is to to build a complete, database system for business intelligence exclusively from free software.
- EnterpriseDB
Corporation (EDB) was founded in 2004 to bring the benefits of open source databases to enterprise customers. The EDB product set is built on top of PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced open source database.
- Pervasive Postgres
combines the advanced features of PostgreSQL, the world’s most advanced open source database, with Pervasive’s twenty years of experience shipping, supporting, and servicing database products.
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Other: Open Source
- PolePosition
is a benchmark test suite to compare database engines and object-relational mapping technology. Let's use this to compare Kexi engine(s) with competition.
- Docvert
- takes word processor files (typically .doc) and converts them to OpenDocument and clean HTML.
- monotone
- is a free distributed version control system. it provides a simple, single-file transactional version store, with fully disconnected operation and an efficient peer-to-peer synchronization protocol. Idea: can be used together with Kexi to get versioning engine and still can be interoperable with kexisql.
, a Generic Component Framework (GPL, Qt-based, a winner of the Qt Centre Contest ) providing tabbed toolbar (menu strip) like in Kexi 2; ( pdf manual )
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Other: Proprietary
- ThinCAP JX
- RAD for AJAX, J2EE, and Open Source. What's interesting here? Screenshots - "Domains" tree with Tools and Business Logic nodes interesting thing for Kexi. Web capatibilities are also interesting, Kexi's going to have similar (see their Demo Application).
- Qt Property Browser
- the framework provides a browser widget that displays the given properties with labels and corresponding editing widgets (e.g. line edits or comboboxes)
- Resolver
lets you create powerful solutions integrating databases, code and IT-developed components - all using your existing knowledge of spreadsheets. Similar to our idea of live integration of Kexi and KSpread.