Kexi 1.0: Known Problems & Unsupported Features
See also: 1.0 Beta 1 Announcement.
Following features due to time constraints are known to be incomplete or nonexistent. Some bugs can be destribution-dependent. Any listed crash has been found after release and immediately fixed, but fixing just released version (Beta 1 or RC 1) was impossible.
- One-to-many relations handling using combo boxes, within forms and tabular views is not supported.
- Application Settings window is not available. However Kexi defines a number of settigs available for altering; to do this, users can edit ~/.kde3/share/config/kexirc file by hand. kexi/doc/dev/settings.txt
file has been provided in the source code as a guide for builtin application settings.
- (beta1: linux) Another Kexi instance started from Kexi main window (file->open or file->new, using QProcess) freezes after opening 3rd table or so in the new instance. We will move to KProcess on Linux.
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Table Designer
- (beta1) "Object" database field type is hidden.
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- AutoField widget and "cursor" property is hidden.
- Images can be only stored statically within forms but not as data in user-defined tables (as Object field type is hidden).
- (beta1) Saving images within forms is not supported for MySQL databases. Fixed 2006-02-02 for beta2 version.
- (beta1) Saving images within forms is not supported for PostgreSQL databases.
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Database Drivers
- (beta1) MySQL: non-latin1 text data (UTF8 encoded) is not properly retrieved. Fixed 2006-01-23 for beta2 version.
- (beta1) MySQL, PostgreSQL: entering special characters like ', \, ", \n doesn not work. Fixed 2006-02-02 for beta2 version.
- (beta2) PostgreSQL: loading and saving images within forms does not work (due to a bug in BLOBs loading routine). Fixed 2006-03-03 for RC1 version.
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CSV Import Dialog
- (beta1) Crash when importing CSV files smaller than 200 bytes. Fixed 2006-01-30 for beta2 version.
- (beta1) CSV importing is not supported for MySQL databases. Fixed 2006-01-31 for beta2 version.
- (beta1) CSV importing is not supported for PostgreSQL databases.
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- (beta1) tkinter doesn't allow multiple top-level dialogs now (for now only ImportXHTML.py does use multiple dialogs).
- (beta1) tkinter dialogs: if the script has been executed, the import is done after you closed all dialogs (what could be only done with "cancel"). You need to use cancel to actualy start import (strange behaviour).
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Command-line Options
- (beta1) -print-preview option is not available. Fixed 2006-01-27 for beta2 version.
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- Kexi User's Guide is only partially available (the text is prepared but not all is in english yet). Consult kexi-project.org web site to learn what features Kexi offers.